Change Leader, Change Yourself

Change Leader, Change Yourself

Inside-Out Transformation

“Everyone thinks of changing the world, but no one thinks of changing himself.”  -Leo Tolstoy

In my family, there is a lot of finger-pointing. With four kids the drama comes quickly when something goes wrong.

For instance, the other day I was working on my computer while sitting at the kitchen table. The kids were playing outside on the driveway when all of sudden the front door opens and one of them barges into the house crying. I ask the seemingly logical parenting question, “What happened?” That’s when the finger-pointing begins. “She took my place in the game,” says the blubbering child. The accused child enters the house and replies, “Well, he wasn’t paying attention.” The finger-pointing is in full force.

I was talking with a friend of mine who shared the parenting experience of finger-pointing kids. He had a great solution. He told his kids, “Remember if you are pointing your finger at some else, that leaves three fingers pointing back to you.”

There are many problems that exist in our families, teams, organizations, and communities. You are well aware of the problems in yours. The question is, how do you SEE them? If your first instinct is to point the finger at someone else for the problem that exists (and it is human nature to do exactly that), it’s time for a SHIFT!

Real change, real transformation begins first IN YOU.

The shift to becoming a Serving Leader who brings change into the world begins when we allow ourselves to grow and change. Transformation is an inside-out process. It begins with a shift in the way we SEE ourselves, others, and the world around us. This results in a change in how you show up for the people and the purpose you’ve been called to SERVE.

Do you want to change the world? The first step is to stop finger-pointing and be willing to take a look inside.

#SeeDifferently #ServeDifferently

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